23-24 School Year Updates: Bob

Hope Sparked operates in an area of Kinshasa called Mabulu, primarily with children from communities that are often called urban slums, shanty towns, or informal settlements. Residents generally have no formal property rights or services, but put together makeshift homes in areas no one else is willing to live. Hope Sparked’s mission is to provide education where it’s needed most, which means education in an area where no other organizations provide services because the hope of success is so low. We know many of our students are likely to struggle, but continue to provide a Spark of Hope even when success seems unlikely.
Bob is one of these struggling students. You can watch this video of him as one of our first students nine years ago showing an excitement to be able to attend school. Hope Sparked has supported his education since, but he’s occasionally strayed from school trying to earn money by any means he can get it, often influenced by an older brother who has been arrested several times. Bob’s mother died this year, you can see him below wearing a picture of her for the funeral. Our team at Hope Sparked is hoping to help him find the right way through these challenges.