
Hope Sparked is about connecting people who can help with those who need it most. Check out the links below to see what you can do.

Share  Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @HopeSparked and share with your friends. You can also help us get some attention on your favorite blogs and other social media outlets. We are a small and growing organization, and helping us get noticed can make a huge difference in our ability to find those who can help. Even if you can’t make a donation, everyone can spread the word and still make a big impact.

Donate  We’re an organization built on small donations from people who believe everyone deserves an education. If you can support our efforts, check out the donate page to make your one-time or recurring donation of any amount.

Volunteer  Your time and talents are just as appreciated as your donations. If you don’t have much to give yourself, you can still make a huge impact. We could use your help applying for grants, organizing fundraising events, or even creating or selling T-shirts. Check our our volunteer page to learn more about what you can do to support our mission.